

TempoX is a metronome that is always available in your status bar.  

Keep tempo with this great app that is handy but never in your way.   Perfect for music practice.

A simple click on the icon in the status bar lets you pick beats per minute ("BPM") and start or stop the metronome.  You can enter the BPM directly or use the "+" or +"-" buttons to raise or lower the BPM.  Holding the buttons keeps raising or lowering the BPM.

Control click on the status bar icon and the metronome starts or stops. 

Tap the beat you want on the "tap" button and the app adjusts to your tap speed.  Great for finding the BPM of a song you want to practice.

The app does not require Internet access.  There is no login, analytics or advertising.

We love getting feedback and feature requests.